take 4 photo in pontianak

Tourist attractions in pontianak

Kamboja cafe
1.kamboja cafe
Located behind the ramayana near the banks of the Kapuas river. In the evening will look more attractive with views of the Kapuas river and the toll  bridge which is the main attraction.2.taman alun kapuas
Alun kapuas Will look beautiful at night with fountains and sparkling lights that adorn the night. Here we can also get around to the Kapuas river by boat at a price of about 15,000 / person.
Here also there is a reading house for people who like to read.

3.bundaran bambu runcing
Who does not know with this one roundabout? Located near the university of tanjungpura and become one of pontianak icon, not far from the roundabout there is a very beautiful park,that is digulis park.
4.taman akcaya
What makes this park always a lot of visitors is the beauty at night and merchants with various merchandise will prepare merchandise in the afternoon. In the garden also comes with a children's game service.


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